5 Typical Equestrian Problems
17th Apr 2020
We asked our Facebook and Instagram audience "What's your biggest "horse person" struggle?" and people were quick to responded! Quarantine can be isolating and make you feel alone, but you can at least know you are not alone in these equestrian problems!
1. Finding friends who ride
There's something so magical about riding with your friends in the warm, spring weather!
2. Not buying more halters
With so many amazing places to purchase halters, we can imagine this being difficult, however if you need more halters, you know where to find some
3. Polo Wraps
We understand the struggle, especially if you have to wrap your horse before EVERY RIDE!
4. Time
This seems to be the biggest issue most people have with owning a horse. How are you suppose to balance work/ school, family, friends, and the barn life?! It can definitely be a challenge!
5. Not having enough space to ride
We all long for those wide open spaces (cue the Dixie Chicks song), but it just isn't a reality. We try our best to be thankful for what we do have - a horse that loves us, a barn to keep them in, and enough money to feed the beast!
What is your number one equestrian problem?! Let us know on our Facebook post!